Friday 1 November 2013

Michelle Obama Responds To Kanye West’s Recent Comments

Kanye West recently spoke to Ryan Seacrest about a number of things. Here’s one of the things he said.
“There’s no way Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be on the cover of Vogue. She’s like the most intriguing woman right now. She’s got Barbara Walters calling her like everyday … and collectively we’re the most influential with clothing. No one is looking at what [President] Obama is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a [bikini] pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day … so it’s to say when we are there and [editor-in-chief of French Vogue] Carine Roitfeld supports my girl, that’s a breakthrough … there’s a wall of classism that we are breaking through.”
I can only imagine this is what Michelle Obama had to say in response.
Dear Kanye,
Hi, it’s Michelle. Michelle Obama, Barack’s wife. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America.
That makes me the First Lady of the United States of America. Me = Michelle Obama.
I hope all is well.
You know, Kanye, I woke up this morning. In the White House. And one of my aides told me she had something to show me. Something that would make me laugh. A “cute” thing, if you will.
It was a series of quotes, Kanye. About my husband and me. About my Vogue magazine cover. And fashion. And classism.
They were your quotes. You were the cute thing, Kanye. And my aide was right. It did make me laugh. Oh, what a hearty White House laugh it was.
Keep my name out your mouth, ya heard.
Tell me, Kanye, what’s your goal with this? Why us? Are you still mad about my husband calling you a jackass a few times? Is that why you’re focusing on me instead of on all the other women who have been on the cover of Vogue?
That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You’re out here all mad simply because we’re stylin’ on you? I know Barack never did apologize for the name-calling, because you know how you men are with your stubbornness.
But it’s more than that. It’s bigger than fashion. To you, this has become a couple vs. couple thing.
I once overheard some of our summer interns talking about you — about how mad you get when you’re compared to other rappers, because your peers are Jesus and Jobs and Walt Disney. I heard it and actually respected that. It shows you have some drive to be a great man. You should fight to get your respect. I see my husband, the President of the Free World, get disrespected every day. And it tears me apart.
So you have to understand where I’m coming from when I say it’s laughable for my 21-years marriage to be mentioned on the same website as your thing with Kim.
Imagine if someone compared you to Papoose, Kanye. Well, you’re Barack’s Papoose. And yes, Kim is my Remy Ma.
My husband’s not moving our family out the country so you can’t see where we stay. Because he runs the country, you see.
And, again, we live in the White House. Very visible.
Look, Kanye, I’m a fan. You had me the second you brought along Uncle Charlie Wilson, and there’s no turning back. I don’t think you’re crazy at all, and in fact fully think you’re saying things that other people are scared to articulate. And, of course, Chicago will always bring us together.
Knowing that, never think that I’m not from Chicago for one second. Barack may be from Hawaii, but I will always be from that 312.
As a woman who loves fashion but never sought to be an iconic figure of some sort, I understand where you’re coming from. And your frustrations. You’re both deeply embedded in fashion, you and Kim, and daring to match, with the man skirts and silly string bikinis. I hear you even have a little pop-up store next to hers that sells nice Confederate flags.
And there’s me, a semi-conservative dresser with my fashion not at the center of my life, and somehow I still ended up on the Vogue cover. And, to make matters worse, I didn’t even ask.
They came to me. And get this, I actually had to think about it.
But next time, Kanye, if we can agree to squash this, I will decline and tell them to ask Kim. Will that make you happy? Will that end classism? Will the inclusion of your born-rich future wife break down the walls that my trailblazing old-ladyness seeks to build up? Just let me know.
Because, at the end of the day, who really needs to be on the cover of Vogue for a third time?
In the meantime, there’s always Terry Richardson.
Send my love to Kim and baby Nori.


Jonathan, Wife Conferred With Chieftaincy Titles

President Goodluck Jonathan, was yesterday, received by Governor Chibuike Amaechi of Rivers State when he arrived the Port Harcourt International Airport, at 2pm.

Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State; Martins Elechi of Ebony State and several other political leaders and traditional rulers in the South-South were also on ground to receive the president.
Despite unresolved differences between the president and the Rivers Governor, they flew in the same chopper to Okrika.

Jonathan and Amaechi
The President was in Rivers State to receive a chieftaincy title in Okrika, home town of his wife, Dame Patience, where he and the First Lady were conferred with titles by King E.D.I Obudibo, Ikwo V of Ogoloma.
Jonathan was conferred with  Se lolia I of Wakirike Bese while the First Lady bagged Se Nyengibo 1 of Wakirike Bese.
Preparation for the funeral of the First Lady’s mother, Madam Charity Oba, which holds today, has also hit top gear, as cows and bags of rice had been distributed to the various war canoe houses in the town, with sources saying it was done to ensure the funeral venue was not overcrowded.
“We were told to celebrate in our various compounds, so that the venue of the funeral is not congested. They gave the various war canoe houses cows, rice and cash to take care of themselves. You can see that the community is in a celebration mood,” a community source said.

Israel Jets Strike Syria, As Inspectors Seal Chemical Weapons

Israel has reportedly carried out an air strike on a Syrian military installation to stop a shipment to Hezbollah, as inspectors said Syria’s entire declared stock of chemical weapons has been placed under seal.
Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television said on Thursday that Israel had hit a Syrian air base in Latakia province, targeting a shipment of surface-to-surface missiles destined for the Lebanese Shiite movement.
A US official confirmed to AFP that “there was an Israeli strike” but gave no details on the location or the target, while Israeli officials refused to comment.
“Historically, targets have been missiles transferred to Hezbollah,” allied with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, the official said.
Al Arabiya quoted the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights as saying explosions took place Wednesday near Latakia at an air defence base.
In May, Israel carried out two air strikes inside Syria, and a senior Israeli official told AFP both targets were Iranian weapons destined for Hezbollah.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reported on Thursday that all of Syria’s chemical weapons were under “tamper proof” seals.
“All stocks of chemical weapons and agents have been placed under seals that are impossible to break,” OPCW spokesman Christian Chartier said on Thursday.
“These are 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents (which can be used to make weapons) and 290 tonnes of chemical weapons,” Chartier told AFP in The Hague.
The OPCW also said Syria’s chemical arms production equipment had been destroyed.
Inspectors had until Friday to visit all the sites and destroy all production and filling equipment in accordance with a timeline laid down by the OPCW and a UN Security Council resolution.
The resolution, stating that the arsenal must be destroyed by mid-2014, followed a US-Russian deal to avert military strikes on Syria after chemical weapons attacks near Damascus in August.
The West blamed those attacks, which killed hundreds, on Al Assad’s regime, which denied all responsibility and, in turn, blamed rebels.
The United States is “increasingly confident” the chemical arsenal will be eliminated by June 30, Thomas Countryman, a senior State Department official in charge of non-proliferation issues said.
More than 120,000 people have been killed in the 31-month rebellion against the Al Assad regime triggered by his bloody crackdown on Arab Spring-inspired democracy protests.

Nancy Sheds More Light On Jim Iyke’s Scandal


The alleged pregnancy saga involving actor Jim Iyke and the daughter of a Lagos businessman, Nancy is now taking a different dimension. When the story broke recently, many condemned Jim Iyke even without giving him the benefit of doubt, but his woman, Nadia Buari, stood by him.
At last, the lady, Nancy has confessed and Jim Iyke too has reacted….
Nancy has opened up that some persons actually approached her to frame Jim Iyke up and cause confusion in his marriage-bound relationship with Nadia Buari. She however refused to give details of her sponsor but she has dropped the allegation that they dated secretly and that he got her pregnant.